Here you can find the details and additional info about copyright attributions, notices and licenses related to third party intellectual property used on this site.

Template and software

Actually we use this template for our site under commercial license. This template includes the software under copyright (c) 2020 Florian Klampfer, that licensed under GNU GPL version 3 or later. The details on this software and its license please see here. In addition, this template also includes certain parts of the following software:

Hyde, hy-drawer, hy-push-state, RxJS, KaTeX, core-js, Web Animations, Modernizr, Compress HTML in Jekyll, The HTML5 Shiv, DOM4, loadCSS, Ratchet, Swipe, smoothState, Bootstrap, Atom One Light Syntax, Atom One Dark Syntax, MiniSearch, window.fetch polyfill, AbortController polyfill for abortable fetch(), ResizeObserver Polyfill, kv-storage polyfill, IntersectionObserver polyfill, Web Components Polyfills, lit-html.

All of them are provided under separate licenses. To see the details on their licenses and copyright attributions, just follow the same link above.

Logo and icons

As logo, we use this icon from the icons made by Freepik from
And thanks to the FlagKit for the flags available under the MIT License.

Photos and images

Appropriate credit as per Creative Commons licenses.

Photo by Jeremy BishopUnsplashLiquify filter, blurdelivered with a template
Photo by Caleb GeorgeUnsplashLiquify filter, patch tool, blurdelivered with a template
IcoMoon Icons Free Version by KeyamoonCC-BY-SA-4.0Nonedelivered with a template
Touch-161562.svgCC0-1.0Compositiondelivered with a template
Photo by Mikhail PavstyukUnsplashNone 
Photo by Luca BravoUnsplashNone 
Photo by Scott GrahamUnsplashNone 
Photo by Glenn Carstens-PetersUnsplashNone 
Photo by Patrick TomassoUnsplashNone 
Photo by Greg RosenkeUnsplashNone 
Photo by Bernd KlutschUnsplashNone 

Other materials

Our privacy policy is based on the Juro Privacy Notice template developed by Juro Online Limited and Stefania Passera.